Opening for children age 2 1/2 yrs +.
Please look at all of the available information throughout the website. Many of the questions you may have might be answered in the Features and Benefits link and throughout the website. Request a sample contract by email.
Prior to an in-person visit, we will set up a pre-visit phone interview. These typically take between 30-60 minutes. After our phone interview, we will determine if an in person is the next step.
After a look through the website and our phone interview, if you are interested in setting up an in-person interview, we will set up a time to visit outside of the child care hours. During that time, we will tour the child care space indoors and outdoors. During this visit, you will need to remove your shoes to tour the child care space. Your child is required to be present during the in person visit. This is an opportunity for all of us to meet.
If we both have decided to enroll your child in my care, there is a $25 enrollment fee for the packet of information that needs to be filled out. If you enroll after receiving that packet, that fee will go towards your first week of care. A two week deposit is required to secure your child's space in care. That deposit will pay for your last two weeks of care. Paperwork needs to be filled out and dropped off prior to first day of care.
Please feel free to contact me if you have additional questions. I can be reached via email at or by text at 847-409-8064. Please include your name in the text.