Opening for children age 2 1/2 yrs +.
In Illinois, according to the Child Care Act of 1969, anyone caring for more than 3 children under the age of 12, including their own children under, must be licensed by the Department of Children and Family Services. An exception is made if they are the children from one family.
- Ratios are maintained:
* Up to 8 children under the age of 12, of which
Up to 5 children may be under the age of 5, of which
Up to 3 children may be under 24 months of age.
* Up to 8 children under the age of 12, of which
Up to 6 children may be under the age of 5, of which
Up to 2 children may be under 30 months of age
- Background checks on everyone in the home over 13 years old
- FBI background check on everyone in the home over 18 years old
- Monthly tornado & fire drills
- Fire Extinguishers
- Smoke/Fire Detectors hardwired on every floor
- CO2 Detectors
- Radon testing every 3 years
- Water lead levels tested
- There is no lead paint
- Animal vaccines are up to date
- Medical Permissions on file
- First Aid kits
- Cribs, if used, meet current safety standards
- When a basement is used, there are 2 exits. For a window exit,
there are specific window requirements regarding width and height
- Only rooms licensed can be used for child care
- Water temperature for hand washing does not exceed 115°. I have water temperature regulators on both sinks the children use
- Equipment is regularly checked by CSPC for recalls and equipment meets standards for entrapment or strangulation
- Provider has a current physical and MMR immunizations
- Daily and monthly safety inspections including operable windows and doors, clear paths, detectors function properly
- Universal safety precaution practices when diaper changing/toileting
- Emergency Evacuation Procedures are in place
- Expulsion Prevention Plans are in place
- Hazard Protection Plans are in place
- Severe Weather Plans are in place
TRAININGS - minimum of 15 hours per year
- CPR/First Aid every 2 years
- Shaken Baby training every 3 years
- SIDS/SUID training every 3 years
- Food Handlers Training every 3 years
- Mandated Reporter training
- Lead in Water training
- Anaphylaxis Shock training
- Pest Management training
- Children with Special Needs training
- Trauma Informed Practices for Child Care Providers training
- Individual and single use towels
- Outlets covered
- Window blind cords out of reach
- Individual cups, beds and bedding for each child
- Proof of car insurance
- Properly insured
- Bathroom doors can be opened from the outside
- Pest control measures, if needed, are not used when children are present
- There is no smoking in the home or cars
- Minimum of 35 sq. ft per child in care
- Trampoline use is prohibited
- No other business may operate during hours children are in care
- Activity requirements
- Specific food guidelines regarding when and nutritional value